Machine Shop

Machine Shop

With a number of CNC mills and lathes and two full time machinists, Seattle Photonics is able to fabricate aluminum, steel and plastic components for use in prototype optical systems and fabricate tooling for use in aligning or testing these systems as well. Our shop works closely with our mechanical engineering team to minimize model translation issues and this efficient communication path allows us to fabricate mechanical components quickly and cost effectively. With the understanding of the demands optical systems require, our shop regularly holds tolerances to 0.025mm and often under 0.010mm. We have built our own custom optical centering station that can hold decentering tolerances to within 2 microns. Our shop mostly caters to the needs of the optical, and opto-mechanical components required for the prototype systems we work on, however many times we are able to take overflow work from other shops and clients for non-optical components.